First, about you: I assume you have a small business and you’re starting to make a bigger impact. Or you’re a leader within a larger business and you’re challenging the status quo because you have a bigger vision.
I help business people like you get leverage on your one greatest asset — yourself.
Want a consulting business solution? Check out my company Leadskill here
You can master the ability to plan better, execute faster, learn more, and share the experience with others in an impactful way.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, corporate warrior, designer, freelancer, trainer/educator or a difference maker, I’ve worked with a few thousand of your peers over the last 20 years to get a clearer view of their strengths and weaknesses, what motivates and drives them, how they can plan better, produce results, strengthen relationships, and most importantly–find and express their greater purpose in life. You can do the same because all of these are learnable skills. Here’s how I can help.
Who is Ron Oltmanns? A short video about me and what I value
The Story behind My Business Experience
I have been very fortunate to do many things over the years (if you want more of the story, check it out here). I also spent years trying to find the work that I was excited about and that played to my strengths. Mentors, clients and colleagues along the way gave me tremendous help.
I was able to coach business people to take bigger risks, learn how to manage people more effectively and I started a consulting practice within an executive coaching firm. We had a diverse client base: non-profits, social enterprises and technology companies.
I got to do a lot of interesting things like travel to (and live in) world class cities, learn other languages, I got a black belt in the martial art of aikido, earned my private pilot’s license, and we even moved the family to Shanghai, China for a few years.
But I was too individualistic and prideful in how I looked at business and really life in general. Then I went through a four year period of humbling and severe testing. I re-examined my career, my family, faith commitments–all of it–and I came through it clearer, lighter and energized to make my mission about helping others as much as getting ahead myself. Eventually I figured out that all the things I have learned the last 20+ years might help others if I shared them.
I discovered it’s important to know your purpose in life, your personal WHY.
My WHY is to connect people to their origins and the source of their strength.
Seven Beliefs
- I believe you deserve to know what makes you tick
- I believe play and joy are things we never outgrow
- I believe curiosity should be rewarded with real learning
- I believe you are more powerful when you move from “me” to “we”
- I believe the mark of a leader is seen in who wants to follow them
- I believe in a fair exchange of value
- I believe the small and agile can outmaneuver the large and powerful
You are here for a purpose. Maybe you can state it clearly or maybe you’re still wondering what your purpose is. Either way, let’s get better acquainted and see what kind of mark you’ll make on the world.
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